| Robert Graves & Raphael Patai - Mity hebrajskie.pdf Rozmiar 1,8 MB Mitologie świata, Robert Graves |
 | Slayers and Their Vampires - A Cultural History of Killing the Dead by Bruce McClelland (2006).pdf Rozmiar 3,2 MB Wampirologia |
 | Encyclopedia of the Vampire - The Living Dead in Myth Legend and Popular Culture ed by ST Joshi (2011).pdf Rozmiar 3,1 MB Wampirologia |
 | The Vampire Book - The Encyclopedia of the Undead 3rd Edn by J Gordon Melton PhD (2010).pdf Rozmiar 10,7 MB Wampirologia |
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 | The Phantom World or The Philosophy of Spirits Apparitions by Dom Augustine Calmet ed with Intro & Notes by Rev Henry Christmas v1 (1850).pdf Rozmiar 7,6 MB Wampirologia |
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